Saturday, August 14, 2010

What Are You Hungry For? Part # 2

Continuing the conversation from my Yoga for Transformation Workshop...

The Issues Live in the Tissues.

What prompted me to use the book, "Women, Food and God," by Geneen Roth was what I refer to as "yoga speak." The concepts in the book correspond with yogic philosophy.

One of the many definitions of yoga includes union and integration. Yoga provides a path for us to come into union with ourselves. Yoga extends to us the invitation to go deep inside. It invites inquiry: What emotional, intellectual, physical and even spiritual baggage, (a.k.a issues)have become obstacles to your being in union with yourself? Most importantly what issues are blocking your communion with The Divinity that dwells within you?

Roth's yoga speak:

"Inquiry is body based; it is not a mental process. You sense what it feels liketo be inside your skin, your arms, your legs. You notice the sensation and younotice the location of the sensation. Sensation, location, sensation, location. If for instance, you are feeling sad, you ask yourself where that feeling is located in your body."
(Women, Food and God., Pg.104)

Every yogi and yogini recognizes that, "location and sensation" coupled with the provocative question of where does that reside in your body, is the fundamental process of yoga. Hence, every yogi and yogini recognizes that the sensation = the issues, live in the tissues = location.

Yoga heightens our awareness (ie. sensation) of what it means to be alive and in a body (ie. location), it speaks to the disconnect. Yoga provides a path to integration.

As you journey on your path to intergration ask yourself:

  • What are some of the family, religious and societal myths you "ate" and/or "stuffed" your self with, but never fully digested?

  • What are some of the messages you received as a child?

  • When you think of these myths and messages, identify the sensation and where does it resides. Where is that sensation living in your body?

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