Monday, March 29, 2010

I love me, I love me not, I love me

On two separate occasions this weekend, the subject of self-love came up in conversation. My BFF (Brenda) and I talked about the stupid stuff we women do to ourselves. We always end those conversations with the amusing statement "she don't love herself."

Another cool sistah and I were talking, she was telling me that someone challenged her on the fact that she truly didn't loved herself, because if she really loved herself, she would ______. (fill in the blank accordingly.) She was a bit disturbed, and so she asked me, "So what does loving myself look like?"

Good question.
On first take, I thought of a bunch of stuff that would externally "prove" or "show" self-love. But as I sat with the questioned on my mat, I realized that what might be self-love to me, may not look like self-love to someone else.

The question of what self love looks like is, well, self defined. I get to choose what that looks like for me. For instance, my eating chocolate and indulging in deliriously delicious wine may not look like self love to someone else, but it certainly feels lovely to me. That said, I also realized the concept of self love opens up a little window that allows us to pass judgement and not accept the fullness of someone else's journey to self love.

Like so many things, self love is an inside job that may or may not be visible on the outside. I believe self love manifests itself in so many different ways that one can never be sure exactly what it looks like!

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