Thursday, June 3, 2010

Yoga 4 Every Body - No Pretzels Required.

As a yoga instructor I get a lot of questions about being "pretzel bendy." When teaching my focus is on stability first then allowing flexibility to come in a gradual process. My passion is introducing yoga to every body type. Fortunately, my introduction to yoga was in a $5.00 dollar community class, especially for beginners. It was just a class of regular folks with varied reasons as to why they showed up to a yoga class. One man was there recovering from injury, another woman was there because she wanted to increase her flexibility. The majority of us fell in the category of just plain curious. Most importantly we were all shapes and sizes and we were doing yoga!

The stories we often tell ourselves about yoga are; I am not size 4 or I am out of shape or that "I am not pretzel bendy!"

The very essence of yoga teaches, we don't have to be certain shape, size, or fitness level. Nor do we hve to be "pretzel bendy." The ancient art and science of yoga requires one thing: that you come to your mat with an open heart and mind. The wonderful thing about yoga is your mat is your own private laboratory to experiment and play.

It is in teaching classes like my first class, I am blessed with the opportunity to witness and share in the transformation of each student. I am humbled by the opportunity.
*Picture provided by Danielle

1 comment:

  1. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your work and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you!!!! I have been deeply touched and healed by your presence, by your wisdom, by your sense of self, by your fiery energy and by your abundant love and joy. THANK YOU for putting yourself out there and showing up BIG for your life!!! xo Kathy
