Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Resolution V. Intentions

If you are like me and a million other Americans your New Years resolution has already fell by the way side. I was bemoaning this fact with my yogi (yep, my experiment in yoga continues) and she gave me a wonderful alternative to a list of unattainable New Years resolutions. Set an intention! During each practice on the mat, we set an intention. An intention is something we want to live into and lean into during our practice. It is something we want to manifest in our lives and in the world. An intention is global in nature. It has much more depth and breath than a resolution. For an example an intention can be to live peace…or to live health. It is the act of “being” as opposed to the production of setting something to “do.”

Our lives are made up of decisions, second by second, minute by minute…each decision can be weighed and measured by our intentions….is this decision manifesting peace in my life and in the world…or is this decision manifesting health in my life and in the world. Heavy stuff, but it makes us take pause and live and be more intentional. I am thoroughly convinced that most people live their lives totally unconscious. I am equally convinced that God has called us to intentionally living. Living intentionally is hard…it makes us look at our daily routines as well as our daily “ruts” and encourages us to make conscious decisions to change.

As we move forward in this New Year let us encourage each other to set an intention that is a reflection grounded in God’s intention for us… through Jesus Christ living out the love, peace and joy and grace of God in our lives and in the world.

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