Sunday, August 16, 2009

Mortgage Apple Cake: a Scared Contract

Back in July 28th the NBC Today show had a wonderful story about Angela Logan, a 55 year old mother of three sons, like so many Americans, had fallen on very hard times. Her business was failing and the threat of losing her home was becoming a reality. But as God does what God does, she was also given the gift of sharing her love for her family with her famous Apple Cake. In a fantastic act of synchronicity, a woman who shared her love and passion of by baking of her famous Apple cake for family and friends was given the wonderful gift of economic ruin to redirect her.

For a lot of us, this harsh economic has been a time of “life correction.” I think it happens when the universe provides situations, circumstances and *S* happening to get our attention. And most importantly providing us a chance to “check ourselves before we wreck ourselves.”

My favorite intuitive, Caroline Myss, teaches about sacred contracts we make even before we show up in this physical world. As Myss illustrates in most of her work. There is a conversation that goes something like this:

God: Okay who’s ready to be embodied?

Thousands of little souls: Oooh, Ooooh Pick me, pick me!

God: Okay you over there.

Thousands of little souls: Awh man…(grumbling)

God: Be patient, some of you had have 2 or 3 turns already. Chill.

God: So my beloved what is it you want to learn and share with others?

Little Soul: ummh…about love, forgiveness and that we are all one.

God: Good answer my beloved. That is what you all sign up for, but what is it that you specifically want to learn and give to others?

Little Soul: I think I would like to learn…um how to ignite and nurture our Divine Spark! The You in me God! Yea I want to share creativity!

God: Okay, but you know that it means your little *a* is going to be around alot of ducks to endure being the swan among ducklings...and life will try to dull your Spark. Just remember who you are and whose you are and you will be fine. I am sending with you, your own special angel to guide and to help you. Plus, I will wink at you on a regular basis when I make things happen just for you, and I hope you notice.

Little Soul: Oh I will, God I will!

God: Right!

We show up, and life stuff happens. And all the while our Guardian angel is sitting, yawning, being bored, wondering when we are going to get on with what we agreed to do -- our sacred contract. The lessons are there but we don’t learn them, so we keep going through the same stuff over and over again. God winks and sends messengers and we don’t even notice, until finally our Guardian angel tells God that drastic measures must be taken. And then it happens- situations, circumstances and *S* happens to get our attention and we get this wonderful opportunity to be to fullfill our sacred contract to be what God has created us to be

The Apple cake lady thought she was entering into her darkest hour, but sometimes that is where the Divine can finally get our attention. Instead, she was able to tap into her Divine Creative spark that was contracted before the beginning of time. She now runs a company and that is her passion (and income).
You can read about Anglea Logan's story at:
This is my story too, this economic crisis has given me a chance for “Life Correction.” Another chance to get it right. And yoga has provided the path to getting it right. I'll keep ya posted...pun intended!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing. What a heart warming story. I do love it when the good guys (or gals) prevail.
