Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Tattoo Tribute to Motherhood.

Of all the tributes to Motherhood a tattoo in your honor rocks! Happy early Mother's Day to me! I have been immortalized on the arm of my youngest son. It is perhaps a bit narcissistic but I really do like it.

As parents I think we often wonder if our children can even imagine how much we love them? With my youngest, I fell in love with him with the first hello. At 5 years of age, he was brought to my Sunday school class by his Grandmother. She was taking care of him while his biological Mother was having a bit of a hard time. He had these big beautiful eyes with the longest eyelashes and he was quite a little character (a.k.a bad as could be!) He was bad in that cute adorable way, you know, the bad that you try not to laugh at so that discipline and correction can be administered.

Long story short, the universe provided a way for my youngest, well to become my youngest. There is something special about the bond between a parent and an adopted child. Even if the parent and the child don't recognize it. In the infinite wisdom of the Divine, I chose my youngest and my youngest chose me. We chose each other to teach each other invaluable life lessons.

My youngest son now has a son of his own and in a recent telephone conversation, he said, "I don't know how you did this (parenting with three kids, by yourself. I only have one kid and this is hard!" thanks." The word's every parent, especially us single parents want to hear. What a gift! And he embodied his sentiments on his arm with a tattoo.

Again I ask, do children ever really know how much we love them? It really doesn't matter, they come to us as gifts and co-creators of lessons from the Divine. It is our role as parents to recognize their purpose in our lives. Children are the gifts that keep on giving and the lessons that keep on teaching and most importantly, love that is unquantifiable and endless.

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