Friday, February 6, 2009

How's your heart?

One of my favorite passages of scripture is found in John 14:1. “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God believe also in me.” (NRSV)

As a Yoga newbie, I am so grateful for the ability to embrace this ancient spiritual practice. My practice brings to me each and everyday the exploration and the awareness of being alive and in a body…what a gift. Occasionally, my yogi reminds me that we actually have five bodies; the physical body but also the mental, or intellect, the energy body, the character or personality and your spiritual body if you will which is the heart, the center of your connection with the Divine. Often my yogi will ask, “So, how is your heart?” I love taking the opportunity to check in with my heart and yes sometime my heart is anxious and troubled. Jesus spoke the words that provide the antidote for my sometimes anxious and troubled heart. Even in these anxious and troubling economic times, I have found these words bring comfort and healing. He tells us to believe in God and believe in Him. Jesus tells us to believe in a God of all of creation, believe in the God of love and miracles, He is asking us to believe in the God who has promise to supply all of our needs even in these difficult times.

Then Jesus speaks of himself…”Believe also in me.” Jesus is telling us, here I am…I am proof positive of God’s deepest desire be in relationship with God’s creation. God has provided a rabbi, teacher, redeemer to resort a broken and fractured creation. Jesus is the tangible fulfillment and the embodiment of God’s unconditional love for all of God’s creation.

Can we take the opportunity to check in with our hearts? Are we bogged down with the cares and troubles of this world? Or can we just rest in the assurance of God’s care for us? “Do not let your heart be troubled…”What a challenge!

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