Thursday, September 17, 2009

A view from the dark

As promised, I am bravely writing about my view from the darkness. Several things have come to me;
1.) dark is actually a spectrum of light, it is the farthest point away from the source of light.
2.) enlightenment actually translates into inside light - the source on light is on the inside

Laying on my mat, after a really nice savasana, looking up at the ceiling, connecting the dots on the ceiling, pondering my view from the darkness..considering my blog about "struggle and fight" and how I said, that when "struggle and fight" shows up in my life, I have learned how to let my light shine, just simply "be" and the darkness seems to dissipate. So, today as I pondered where did my light go and why does the darkness seem to have a freaking wind machine that keeps blowing out the flickering light from my one lone small candle. The word enlightened swelled in my spirit and I got it!
Okay, granted, I am little slow, but today on my mat, it came to me; en-lightened, IN- lightened. The light is on the inside. I think I knew that on a rational, logical intellectual level, but today on my mat, it moved from head knowledge to heart knowing. For some reason I was trying to ignite my one lone flickering candle on the outside, where the darkness could blow it out. I was operating outside of myself, externally focused.

This, igniting of the light, is an inside job. The light radiates from the inside out. duh! Even in the darkness, in those times when I think the light has gone, or I have moved away from the source of light, the light is always with me. My job is to continually find ways that keep reminding me that the light is within and always present. Now that is an on-going assignment. I keep forgetting.

Another amazing duh! that I have (trying) learned from my view from the dark is that although igniting the light is an inside job, if I let other peeps know, (that I am sitting in the dark) they will help me stoke the flame of my one lone candle. I am learning to let others help me. I have struggle for years with taking the red "S" of my chest, hanging up my super woman suit is very hard. Letting others in, actually helps nourish my fire. Fueling my one lone flame with love, care, encouragement, friendship and acceptance of my view from the dark. If I let them in they will come right in and sit in the dark with me, not trying to pull me out...they just sit with me, hold my hand and let me be right where I am.
This journey on my mat never ceases to amaze me. How on my mat, my head knowledge becomes heart knowing. My yoga practice keeps bringing me back into my body. My practice helps me with not being externally focus, it brings me home to my heart knowing. I understand the adage, "home is where the heart is" on a very different level now. This yoga journey, this life journey is an inside job, it really is a journey inside connected with, nourishing the light that dwells within and that my friends can have a profound outward expression. Interesting. Breath!

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